
CIP School in the Phils.

What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘racism’?

my new web-site to help the homeless people around the world.
1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘racism’?
2) How much racism is there in your country?
3) Have you ever been the victim of racism?
4) What do you do when you see racism against others?
5) Have you ever done anything to help stamp out racism?
6) In which country do you think racism is worst?
7) Why are people racist?
8) Who is the biggest racist you know?
9) Is racism getting worse or disappearing in your country?
10) What kind of world would it be if there was no racism?
1) Do you ever have racist thoughts?
2) Do you think racism will ever disappear from this world?
3) How do you explain racism to a child?
4) What races do people in your country discriminate against?
5) What punishments should there be for those guilty of racism?
6) What’s the best way to stamp out racism?
7) What’s the worst example of racism you’ve witnessed or experienced?
8) Do you think racism feels differently to black, white, Asian, Indian, Arab… people?
9) What adjectives would you use to describe racism?
 10) What is worse, racism, sexism or homophobia?

american indian 01

American indians have had a hard life in america, they had wars between them self’s for many years, and then the white man came, and some dumb indians helped them to survive, so what happen after that? the white man tried in many ways to kill all the indians.  But as my grandfather told me, you can never kill what you do not see.

You see my family has many indian bloods running through us.

The Indian can and always will survive anything that any person can endure.

Said: Alvin

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